ANP Workbook – “Let’s learn about monkeys in Malaysia”


Explore the wonders of Malaysia’s macaques with the ANP Workbook! Learn about their physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, and unique facial expressions while engaging in fun activities. Perfect for young nature enthusiasts, this book brings the world of macaques to life.

Size: A5
No. of pages: 20

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Products will be shipped on every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month

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Shipping States: Johor (Malaysia), Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia), Kedah (Malaysia), Perlis (Malaysia), Pahang (Malaysia), Malacca (Melaka) (Malaysia), Selangor (Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Perak (Malaysia), Putrajaya (Malaysia), Penang (Pulau Pinang) (Malaysia), Terengganu (Malaysia), Kelantan (Malaysia), Sabah (Malaysia), Sarawak (Malaysia)

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