Adopt a Coral


Help us save the reef!

There are many meaningful ways you can help us succeed in our mission. One simple way to give back to coral reefs is to adopt a coral with us.

​By adopting a coral, you will directly contribute to one coral being planted from our coral nurseries into a degraded coral reef site that we are currently restoring.

​Coral reef restoration is very costly (SCUBA tanks, materials, boats, equipment, etc.,), but we have managed to reduce the costs associated with the coral transplantation process by applying novel techniques, such as the coral clips.

​Between 2022 and 2025, we plan to plant 30,000 corals using coral clips and corals from our nurseries. This is an unprecedented scale for coral restoration in Malaysia, and thus we need your help!

100% of your adoption goes towards planting more corals back to the reef- with your support, we are immediately able to do more.

How Coral Adoption Work?

Adopt one coral at a cost of 50 RM (~12 USD; 11 EUR; 10 GBP) to help us cover the materials, tools & resources needed for outplanting the coral into the designated restoration area. If this adoption is meant to be a gift, you can choose your customized gift card for any occasion (birthday, anniversary, romantic gift for your partner).

If you wish to receive a customized  CORAL UPDATE CARD, please select the ‘Adoption & Update’ option. Updates are an additional 50 RM / coral.

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